
Win exclusive penthouse tickets to watch the UEFA Champions League


Do you want to a front row seat to the hottest football derby this week? Here's you chance!

Heineken® will once again be hosting an exclusive #ChampionTheMatch Viewing Experience at The Venue in Sandton Penthouse in Green Park on Wednesday, May 10. 

City Press and Heineken® are giving away 2 tickets to watch the UEFA Champions League second leg match between two Spanish giants with A-list celebrities at the #ChampionTheMatch Viewing Experience.

All you have to do is answer this easy question and you could be a VIP:

Which two teams are playing in tonight’s semi-final?

Answer in the comments below with your email address.

Must be over 18 to enter.

#ChampionTheMatch with Heineken® and some of SA's hottest DJ's at an epic and exclusive UEFA Champions League VIP Penthouse Viewing Experience in Joburg!


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56% - 151 votes
Skyrocketing unemployment
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Signing of NHI Bill into law
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