
Ma Agnes, the ‘Mother Theresa of the ANC’, was ‘a stickler for discipline’

The funeral service of Ma Agnes Msimang at the Our Lady of Cedars Catholic Church in Woodmead, Johannesburg Picture: Twitter/SAgovnews
The funeral service of Ma Agnes Msimang at the Our Lady of Cedars Catholic Church in Woodmead, Johannesburg Picture: Twitter/SAgovnews

Speaking at the funeral service of ANC stalwart and former deputy president of the ANC Women’s League Ma Agnes Msimang, ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule referred to her as “the Mother Theresa of the African National Congress”.

Her funeral service took place at the Our Lady of Cedars Catholic Church in Woodmead, Johannesburg.

Magashule was delivering a tribute, when he quoted a poem by Indian poet Khalidas, Look Well To This Day. Msimang served as a deputy chief representative to India where she was instrumental in educating South African youth about their culture through the Africa Club.

Magashule said that Msimang had volunteered her entire life to the dignity and freedom of others, and was an “unsung hero” that the apartheid struggle had produced.

Msimang died on October 18 at a Johannesburg hospital at the age of 89. In attendance at her funeral service were several dignitaries including former president Thabo Mbeki, his wife Zanele Dlamini Mbeki, Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga and International Relations and Cooperation Minister Lindiwe Sisulu.

“What we do is forget that the struggle produced many, many unsung heroes,” he said.

In recognition of her contribution to the fight against apartheid, she was bestowed with the National Order of Luthuli in Silver in 2014.

“When we say we are standing on the shoulder of the giants of our struggle for liberation, we are referring to profound characters like Ma Msimang. To her, we owe her immeasurable contribution, towards our struggle for the liberation of the people of our country,” he continued.

Mapisa-Nqakula echoed Magashule’s tribute, as she spoke of Msimang’s immense courage and strength during the eulogy.

“Her courage raised her, and in our eyes, to the high level of immortality. We knew she was mortal, and in the broader scheme we knew she was but a ... human being. However we believed in her legendary no-surrender spirit,” Mapisa-Nqakula said.

The first time that the minister met Msimang was when she joined the ranks of the ANC in Lusaka.

Msimang has left a legacy of caring for children and the needy.

“Even after the democratic breakthrough, Mam’ Msimang continued to search for extremely needy people in South Africa, to help alleviate their situation,” she said.

The minister also described Msimang as being a “stickler for discipline”.

“All the members of the ANC’s personnel at Luthuli House were careful to stick within the framework of the party’s disciplinary measures, so as not to annoy her. Those who were guilty of any violation became victims of her sharp rebuke,” Mapisa-Nqakula said.

President Cyril Ramaphosa granted Msimang a special official funeral category 1 this week.

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