
IFP looks to grow beyond KZN, as Hlabisa to address rallies in ANC strongholds

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IFP president Velenkosini Hlabisa will address North West and Limpopo rallies ahead of the elections.
IFP president Velenkosini Hlabisa will address North West and Limpopo rallies ahead of the elections.
Tebogo Letsie / City Press
City Press Elections Logo

The IFP is strengthening its support base in North West and Limpopo, which are traditionally ANC strongholds, ahead of the 29 May general elections.

As the official opposition party in KwaZulu-Natal, which currently has no seats in the North West and Limpopo legislatures, the IFP has sent a delegation of senior leaders, led by national chairperson Blessed Gwala, to engage with traditional leaders, conduct membership drives and mobilise support.

The party will hold a rally in Mahikeng, North West, on Saturday, 11 May, where its leader Velenkosini Hlabisa is expected to deliver the keynote address, followed by a rally in Limpopo on 18 May.

Gwala emphasised on Thursday that the IFP prioritises peaceful campaigning, urging other parties to refrain from negative tactics, and calls on the Electoral Commission of SA (IEC) and SA Police Service (Saps) to ensure freedom of movement for all candidates.

READ: 'IFP aims to remove ANC but seeks reconciliation'

He said:

While we may be targeting strongholds of the ANC, the IFP does not campaign negatively. We encourage all other political parties and independent candidates to refrain from making baseless allegations, making inflammatory statements, inciting violence, and general negative campaigning.

“We note that a worrying trend is making its rounds on social media platforms on tribal spurring and incitement, which perpetuates hate and intolerance,” he said, adding that they urge all South Africans to use social media responsibly and within the ambit of the law.

“Therefore, we call on the IEC and Saps to ensure that they deal decisively with parties that refuse to allow others to campaign in what they see as 'their' areas,” he said.

Gwala said:

There must be no “no-go areas”. The right of parties and candidates to compete for political power in areas they may not have majority support in, is key to uphold and promote a multi-party democracy.

He said candidates and political parties must have freedom of movement during the campaign period.

READ: KZN by-elections show both IFP and ANC should be worried about Zuma's MK Party

With only 20 days until the general elections, Gwala reaffirmed the party's commitment to promoting peace and confidence in the electoral process.

“We will continue to preach peace, act peacefully, and work to uphold the integrity of our electoral institutions,” he emphasised.

Gwala also issued a stern warning to the government regarding the alleged misuse of state resources for political gain.

“The abuse of state resources in elections is a common but insidious feature of the elections landscape. There is no place for abuse in this election, and we will closely watch governments expenditure items.”

He highlighted the far-reaching consequences of such abuse, including the erosion of public trust, reduced political competition, and the derailment of critical development, infrastructure and social welfare projects.

“Moreover, it undermines the rule of law,” Gwala added.

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