
Watch: Trevor Noah owns Tomi Lahren

Trevor Noah. Picture: Brad Barket/Getty Images
Trevor Noah. Picture: Brad Barket/Getty Images

Trevor Noah showed again last night that even under him The Daily Show is not just about the giggles.

Noah invited Tomi Lahren, the television and online video host and "liberal agitator" to be guest on his show. The 24-year-old Lahren, who hosts a show called Tomi on the digital network TheBlaze, shot to fame after she criticised Colin Kaepernick, the American football player who takes to one knee when the national anthem is sung. This prompted Noah to do a segment on her rant titled Tomi Lahren's Anger Lights Facebook on Fire. In it Noah admits to having a crush on the TV personality who is "famously taking on the Left" (according to her website bio at least).

During the 14-minute interview Noah and Lahren discuss why she's always so angry, Kaepernick, Donald Trump and her likening the Black Lives Matter movement to the KKK. Our best quote from the clips circling social media however is this witty Noah-esque moment where Lahren says she does not see colour, so Noah asks "what do you do at a robot?"

*Apply cold-water to burnt area* 

  •  Take a look at some of the clips doing the rounds:

In her defence, Lahren did not do a Trump, and acknowledged that the interview was fair. She went as far as to state that she had a great time on the show and that she respected the difference of opinions.

For your viewing pleasure here is Lahren's criticism of Kaepernick and Noah's subsequent segment:

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