
Islamic State launches boldest attack in Mozambique in three years

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Rwandan Counter-Terrorism Special Units and Mozambique police patrol streets in the town of Palma as Rwanda provided military assistance after the militant group Ansar al-Sunna seized critical locations in the region rich in natural gas and valuable metals, in Palma, Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique on December 18, 2023. Nearly 4 thousand people have lost their lives since 2017 in the attacks of the terrorist organization Ansar al-Sunna against civilians. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced due to the attacks. (Cyrile Ndegeya/Anadolu via Getty Images)
Rwandan Counter-Terrorism Special Units and Mozambique police patrol streets in the town of Palma as Rwanda provided military assistance after the militant group Ansar al-Sunna seized critical locations in the region rich in natural gas and valuable metals, in Palma, Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique on December 18, 2023. Nearly 4 thousand people have lost their lives since 2017 in the attacks of the terrorist organization Ansar al-Sunna against civilians. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced due to the attacks. (Cyrile Ndegeya/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Islamic State-linked insurgents attacked the town of Macomia in Mozambique’s gas-rich Cabo Delgado province, according to people with knowledge of the matter, in what is their boldest raid in more than three years.

The violence is the latest in a string of attacks since December.

It signals an escalation in unrest just as the Mozambican government is pushing for TotalEnergies to resume development of a $20 billion liquefied natural gas project that it froze in 2021 after insurgents raided the nearby town of Palma, killing more than 800 people.

The rebels attacked Macomia before dawn on two fronts, two of the people said, asking not to be identified as they’re not authorised to speak to the media.

Portuguese news agency Lusa reported that more than 100 fighters were involved in the attack, citing people it didn't identify.

Cabo Delgado Governor Valige Tauabo didn’t immediately respond to calls and a text message seeking comment.

Macomia — about 160km south of where TotalEnergies plans to build its gas-export facility — is strategic as it’s situated along the main highway connecting the provincial capital of Pemba with the north.

It’s also where hundreds of soldiers from South Africa have been based since they were sent to help Mozambique fight the insurgency in 2021, as the biggest part of a regional deployment.

The South African National Defence Force is set to withdraw its troops from Mozambique by July 15, according to the regional bloc of which it forms part.

Rwanda also sent more than 2 000 soldiers and police to Mozambique as part of a separate bilateral deal, and they will remain to help the government, according to Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi.

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