
'Time to let go': Real Housewives of Johannesburg's curtain call spurs Sonia Mbele's global ambitions

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 Sonia Mbele at the launch of Alkamax Alkaline Water.  (Oupa Bopape/Gallo Images)
Sonia Mbele at the launch of Alkamax Alkaline Water. (Oupa Bopape/Gallo Images)

After keeping viewers entertained and at the edge of their seats for three seasons, broadcasting giant MultiChoice has pulled the plug on the first-ever local Real Housewives franchise, the Real Housewives of Johannesburg (RHOJ). 

"Maybe it was time to let go," producer Sonia Mbele told News24. 

Mbele spoke to the publication on Monday evening after news broke that MultiChoice pulled the plug on the reality show, reportedly due to disagreements between her and the broadcaster. 

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